Spending money is easy. In fact, it’s beyond easy and that fact alone puts millions of people in debt every year. We’ve talked a lot about stupid things ways people waste money, but sometimes it’s the little daily spending habits that are dangerous to your financial security. I virtually guarantee that we’ve all done at least one of these...
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Some people are just naturally prone to organization. They have lists of lists, and can tell you exactly where everything is at any given time. There’s no running around last second to get something done or misremembered dates because they actually wrote appointments and such down and planned ahead of time. Some people, in short, just always seem to...
Well, tax season is firmly upon us, and depending on how much you procrastinated, you might already have that nice lump sum of money from Uncle Sam sitting in your bank account. It can be exciting to have that much money all at once, and extremely tempting to just blow it on fun stuff. However, that lump sum of money can actually do quite a bit of good. Here are...
Saving money is important on the path to financial security, and it’s an integral part of being frugal for most people. However, it’s definitely not something that’s easy to do. Much like anything, it’s easy to make bad savings habits which can actually cost you more money than if you didn’t save money at all. Here are five things that...
Frugality is a grossly misunderstood concept. To most people, it means scraping by on the absolute least amount that you can, and sometimes simply going without. My friends often misunderstand me when I say that I can’t do something, or simply state that I’m going to purchase that in a couple months once I save up the money. “You need to treat yourself...
When I look back at my early 20s and reflect on what on earth happened to all that money I was making before I really had any debt to speak of, the thing that amazes me the most is how much money I blew on pointless things. I was an impulse buyer and if I saw something that I wanted, I had the tendency to purchase it right then and there, only to experience buyer’s...
There are plenty of words that have a undeservedly bad reputation, and ‘frugal’ has to be one of the worst. For most people, the world ‘frugal’ implies being cheap, mooching off of others, going without the pleasures in life, or simple penny-pinching. However, despite what you might have heard, that’s not at all what being frugal is...
Studies have proven that having a hobby is good for your mental health as they can help you relax. However, some hobbies can be incredibly expensive and simply don’t fit with the frugal lifestyle. But, despite what you might think, there are plenty of hobbies which are actually pretty cheap or even free to start. For a few, you might need to borrow an item...
Frugality is all about being conscious about your spending and understanding where your money is going. However the line between being frugal and being cheap is pretty thin and it’s easy to cross from one into the other. However, there is a definite difference between being frugal and being cheap. Here are a few warning signs that your frugality is going too...
Phones are expensive. And I’m not just talking about the device itself (although a new flagship phone will easily run you back $500 or more) but the plans themselves. Most people pay an average of $71 per person, per month. There are discounts for family plans, sure, but it can still add up pretty quickly. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. In...