Aldi has to be my absolute favorite store. I don’t know what I’d do without one in town, as I do the bulk of my shopping there. However, as with all discount stores there are some things that are a great deal and other things that really just aren’t worth the money. Although Aldi tends to have something of a bad reputation, the store has really...
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I think we’ve all had times when money was super tight; when you’ve only got a few dollars after paying all of the bills but you still have to eat somehow. When that happens, the best thing to do is to take stock of what you’ve already got at home, and then use these frugal foods to help fill your stomach until the next payday. 1. Oatmeal I’m...
Meat is by far the most expensive part of any meal. In fact, for some meals it’s really the only expense, as things like flour and veggies are often more cost-effective in bulk. However, while we’ve talked about saving money on food, there are some very different tactics that can be used to try and save a little bit of money with meat. 1. Buy less expensive...
Breakfast is, without a doubt, the best meal of the day. It doesn’t matter what it is; I absolutely love everything breakfast. While scrambled eggs with everything in them has to be my first go-to, pancakes come as a close second. I usually make them from scratch because, honestly, it’s really not that much harder than using Bisquick, and the taste is...
According to recent studies, roughly half of all food that is grown in the United States is thrown away either before it gets to the supermarket, or by consumers. This amounts to more than $1,000 a year of waste in a family of four. If you’re trying to be frugal, that can be quite a bit of money which could be put to use elsewhere. The solution? Eating more...
Chili is one of the best things to make if you’re looking to eat something that is reasonably healthy, but will still go a long way. Not only does an average pot of chili feed four to five people, but you can use leftovers a million different ways—on top of hot dogs, with cheese and chips as a dip, or even in spaghetti. Here is one of my favorite cheap recipes...
Off-brand items, despite the slight stigma that comes with them, often taste basically the same as their more expensive counterparts. While there are some foods that have a noticeable difference in taste, things like sugar really aren’t any different. But how do you know which ones to stay away from and which to always go for? Well, I tested it out for you,...
At the heart of frugal living, right after following a budget to a tee, is shopping smart. Your grocery bill is extremely flexible based on what meals you’ll be eating, so while you’re planning them out, think cheap. There are plenty of tasty meals that are cost-effective, too, so there isn’t any need to make sacrifices! Today, I’ve compiled...
When you’re trying to be frugal, one of the hardest things is figuring out where you can make cuts in your budget. For most people, one of the first places is in the grocery aisle. But, if you’re trying to cut grocery costs, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to eat only canned foods. In fact, the opposite is true: you should be...